5 Plugins To Speed Optimize Your WordPress Website

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5 Plugins to speed optimize your website – Are you looking at optimizing the speed of your WordPress website? We have these awesome plugins to help your site load faster. 

Speed Optimize Your WordPress Website


Autoptimize makes optimizing your site easy. It can aggregate and cache scripts and styles.  You can optimize and lazy-load images, optimize Google Fonts, remove WordPress core emoji cruft and more.


WP-Optimize is a phenomenal plugin that cleans your database, compresses your images and caches your site. It allows you to clean and optimize your database. It gives you the option to compress your images and it allows you to cache your pages for super fast load times.

WP Fastest Cache

This WordPress plugin has great focus on caching. It comes with a set of features and is easy to setup and use. It supports CDN integration and 1-click to clear cache and minified CSS.


It is a versatile WordPress plugin which can help your websites load faster. You can couple it with other plugins for a more secure and optimized WordPress website. You will have the privilege of getting multiple useful functions for your WordPress website optimization, packed into one Clearfy plugin.

Cache Enabler

This WordPress caching plugin can be setup in minutes. It gives you the flexibility to set cache expiry time, minification setup and a few other options.

Contact us for a speed optimized WordPress website. However, if you have an existing blog/website and looking for ways to multiply your conversions, please reach out to us here for an email consult and we are happy to support you for a consulting fee of $100.