3 WordPress Recipe Plugins To Drive Engagement

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WordPress recipe plugins to drive engagement – Now that you have set up your food blog with the desired theme and the perfect recipe card, it’s time to think about ways to drive engagement. The next 3 plugins will help you achieve exactly that.

WordPress Recipe Plugins To Drive Engagement

Curator Crowd Recipe Box

This WordPress plugin is an on-page central hub for visitors to save, manage, and share recipes. It was built specifically for publishers to help increase user engagement by growing your email list and increasing revenues. Food bloggers love this plugin because it is free, easy to install and implement, fast , high adoption (which means increased return traffic), co-registration driving email list growth, on-page functionality means visitors stay on the site longer, new users & traffic through cross-site promotion, mobile app and responsive design, in-built social sharing functionality.


Meal Planner Pro Recipes

All recipe data is SEO optimized for Google Recipe View and Pinterest Rich Pin requirements. This combined with accurate nutrition by ESHA Research and Tagging system ensures highest ranking in search results. Recipe ratings are compliant with Google requirements. This plugin allows easy transfer from other recipe plugins with one button click to convert. It is Google Assistant enabled and compatible with WP Gutenberg Editor. This WordPress plugin will generate more pages views, build loyalty and increase revenue.


SEO Recipe Snippets

It enables rich snippets for search engines. It helps you show recipe name, rating, image, cook time, preparation time, and more on Google’s search results.

The above three plugins summarizes the WordPress recipe plugins to drive engagement.

Contact us to build your NEXT website. However, if you have an existing blog/website and looking for ways to multiply your conversions, please reach out to us here for an email consult and we are happy to support you for a consulting fee of $100.