12 WordPress Recipe Cards For Your Food Blog

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WordPress Recipe Cards For Food Blog – You have successfully installed a WordPress theme for your food blog and having trouble selecting which recipe plugin to use for your recipes. Take a look at the following alternatives before finalizing the perfect recipe card for your food blog.

recipe cards for food blog

WP Recipe Maker

This WordPress plugin supports an easy workflow to add recipes to any post or page with automatic JSON-LD metadata optimised for Google recipe search. This metadata improves your SEO and gets you more visitors. It integrates recipe metadata with Yoast SEO schema graph. It include a recipe video in the template and metadata and lets you add photographs at any step of the recipe. This plugin is completely responsive and it also lets you import your recipes from other plugins.

Cooked – Recipe Plugin

Cooked is a very convenient way to create and showcase recipes with WordPress. SEO optimized, drag & drop recipe builder, photo galleries, nutrition facts, cooking times, printable recipes are some of it’s notable features. This plugin supports semantic structure and schema.org which allows Google to display recipes across diverse platforms and devices.

Recipe Cards For Your Food Blog from Zip Recipes

Zip Recipes is the fastest way to create recipes. It has a flexible editor, featured image support with clearly no coding required. It is SEO optimized, AMP compatible and mobile friendly. It has a professional look and easily integrates with ad networks like Adsense, Adthrive and Mediavine.

Recipes by Simmer

It is an elegant and intuitive WordPress plugin that makes adding recipes easy and is acutely SEO optimized. It works with any social sharing tools. It supports Bulk-add ingredients & instructions and is completely responsive. Recipes by Simmer lets you add recipe servings, yield, cook times, and more. It helps you embed recipes anywhere in your posts or pages and supports front-end recipe printing.

WP Recipe Card by ThemeStash

This creative WordPress plugin helps food bloggers create professional recipe cards on their blogs, without having the need to add elements separately every time they are creating a recipe. It supports seamless integration with Gutenberg and is compatible with any WordPress theme.

Create by Mediavine

While this WordPress plugin takes care of speed and SEO, you can focus on creating recipes. It is a plugin truly made for bakers, chefs and home cooks. It calculates nutritional data for your recipes as well. While it is responsive and adopts a mobile first approach, it easily integrates with ad networks and supports content imports from other recipe plugins.


Chicory Recipe Activation

Chicory is a versatile WordPress plugin that makes your entire online recipe catalogue easy to shop in. When consumers click “Get Ingredients” button, an online shopping list populates with corresponding products from a suite of online grocers. With a few clicks, Chicory users can get all of the ingredients they need to cook a recipe, delivered.


EasyRecipe supports features like auto conversion of your plain text recipe posts, live custom formatting, Google Recipe View formatting, automatic ratings and conversion from other recipe plugins .

It lets your visitors print your recipes and most importantly, your recipes get a better chance of showing up in Google’s Recipe View search results.

WP Ultimate Recipe

It is a user friendly plugin for adding recipes to any of your posts and pages. Your visitors will be able to adjust the servings, find other recipes using a specific ingredient, share and print the recipe and do much more. This WordPress plugin lets you add photographs, insert a recipe video, change recipe colors, add a recipe index. This plugin is fully responsive, SEO optimized and is compatible with both Gutenberg and Classic Editor.

Boo Recipes

Boo Recipes is a WordPress plugin that lets you add new recipes and creates schema markups automatically.  It supports social media sharing, video recipes, recipes with image sliders, recipe search form, recipe cuisine list, recipe categories list, etc.

Blossom Recipe Maker

Blossom Recipe Maker is a WordPress recipe plugin that every food blogger loves. This intuitive plugin lets your visitors interact with the recipes. They can adjust the ingredient quantities to their requirements and also mark the ingredients and instructions as they progress through the recipe. It also has an advanced search feature which will help the visitors find their favorite recipe quickly. You can add a recipe gallery to the recipe posts, YouTube or Vimeo video to the recipe posts, search recipes by category, cuisine, cooking methods, and tags.


RecipePress reloaded

RecipePress reloaded is a very flexible WordPress plugin to manage your blog’s recipe collection. It is SEO optimized and lets you choose between different layouts to determine how your recipes should look like. It is currently available in English, German and Russian.

Now you can easily choose the WordPress recipe card that works best for your food blog.

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